Мария Конькова (Intermediate)
Family history. Short story 2011)
History is, above all, people and their unique destinies. Every terrible figure in the book is real life. Now many people don't know history of their homeland, as well as their family history, the history of their ancestors. But this is very important for every person. The twentieth century was really full of horrific events, and our great-grandfathers and grandfathers deserve to be remembered.
I've never known my grandfather; he died а long time before my birth. His image I created with only my father's stories about him. Grandfather was always a caring father. Although grand-dad had a very heavy work (he worked as a miner), he always had time for his children, my father and his siblings. They had a lot of family traditions, pleasant little things that my dad has remembered for a lifetime.
My grandfather's name was Nicholas. He was born in 1927, and when the war began, he was just 14 years old. The old village, where he lived, was captured by the fascists and the whole family was kept in thrall in Germany. Except my grandfather, three other children grew in the family. It happened that all his brothers and sister were all together in Germany and had to work in the house of a burger. They performed various jobs around the house, that is, were servants. And my grandfather was lost; he was taken to another country, because he was inappropriate age. After the war, all the brothers and sisters of my grandfather returned to Russia and were in different children's home. It was only in 1949 when my grandfather found them and the family was reunited. In those days it wasn't safe to talk about the past, and so grandfather never told anyone where he had been and what had happened to him at that time. And now, perhaps, nobody will know. Unfortunately, my grandfather died very early, and all that we know about his life is what his brother has said. Now he's the only one of all siblings, who’s alive. The large family tree is stored in our house. My father has done it; he has studied the history of our family for a long time. I think that the family tree still keeps a lot of stories, but some of them we will never know.